Au Bassin Baksteenkaai 74 Quai Aux Briques, Brussels, Belgium

Club33 by CommPass brings you an unforgettable night of inspiration, networking, and celebration. What to expect: Inspiration and fun * Free drinks and snacks * Dancing and networking. Join us, make connections, get inspired ... This event is free but for “Club33 members only”.

Digital First

Tour & Taxis Av. du Port 86C, Brussels

Discover the latest trends, technologies and strategies in the digital world, and learn from the industry’s top thought leaders and innovators. This year’s event promises to be truly unforgettable, with


Deloitte Gateway Airport, Zaventem, Belgium

Game changers help drive positive changes in society. The Belgian Marketing Awards identify and celebrate outstanding game changing innovations by companies and individuals. We reward successful, meaningful, customer centric transformations